Chronic Pain Management by Complementary Medicine

blog Aug 13, 2014

Pain can be a beneficial mechanism that alerts us when we have an injury or sickness within our bodies that needs our attention. Pain may be sharp, dull, intermittent, localized to one part of the body, or all over. Often, pain goes away once a problem is addressed. Unfortunately, there are thousands of people suffering from chronic pain due to conditions such as arthritis, abnormal pain-sensing regions in the brain or for unknown causes. 

It is hard to enjoy life when suffering from constant pain. There are many ways to help manage chronic pain. While traditional methods, such as medication, may be the right choice, complementary medicine can also help. What is complementary medicine? What types are beneficial to pain sufferers and how can you gain access to them?

Mainstream medicine in the U.S. is what you think about when you think about doctors in white coats, hospitals, pills, surgery, etc. Complementary medicine, on the other hand, is an alternative approach to healthcare that is used in conjunction with mainstream medicine. 40% of Americans have used complementary medicine, and many forms of complementary medicine are being integrated into mainstream care. For example, many hospitals use massage therapy to help with chronic pain management.

There are many types of complementary medicine in existence; acupuncture, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, massage therapy, dietary changes and supplements, exercise programs, and chiropractic care are a few examples that can help manage pain.

If you or a loved one is in chronic pain, it may be worth seeking out complementary treatments in addition to your regular medical care. A pain management center may provide complementary treatments. Some treatments may require regular sessions with a practitioner, such as acupuncture. Other complementary treatments you may be able to do at home after receiving guidance from a professional, such as yoga, or other exercise regimen. Always look to your healthcare provider for advice.

Pain can be devastating and debilitating. There is pain management available. Complementary treatment options may be one avenue towards easing pain and helping you regain enjoyment in your every day life.


By Dr. James  Lin
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