Your Head Hurts? Use These 9 Tips to Ease Headache Pain

Pain Management Jan 13, 2020

There can be many reasons why your head hurts, but regardless of the type of pain, this guide will help you to ease your headache pain.

It can be a dull pain in your forehead or soreness in the back of your head or neck. It may be a pressure that may not be severe, but it is just enough to interfere with your day. For some, the aches become debilitating. For others, just a continual annoyance. You may even feel nausea, sensitive to light, dizzy and a tightness in areas around the head.

What you are experiencing is a headache.

Headaches and migraines are very common in the United States. A recent study found that 18 percent of the participants reported having multiple headaches every month. The World Health Organization explains headaches are the third leading cause of people losing years to disability.

What Are the Different Types of Headaches?

Understanding the type of headache you suffer from will allow you to successfully treat it:

– Migraines

If your head hurts, it may be because of a migraine. Migraines usually appear on the side of your head, with intense throbbing. They can be caused by stress, anxiety, hormonal changes, and environmental triggers.

– Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are dull pains felt on both sides of your head. You may also feel pressure behind your eyes and tenderness around or on your head, caused by dehydration, bad posture and lack of exercise. Dehydration can also cause hangover headaches.

– Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches, while more prominent in men, can feel like a burning sensation behind the eyes. They don’t typically last more than a few hours but can appear several times a day.

– Exertional Headaches

Exertional headaches happen when you over-exert yourself, usually through exercise, with symptoms of throbbing pain in the head.

– Hypnic Headaches

Hypnic headaches are much rarer than the others and usually affect people in their fifties or later. These are headaches that wake you up at night, while you are sleeping.

– Other Types

Other types of headaches include medication or rebound headaches, which are caused by taking too much or withdrawing from medications. This can include caffeine too.

Sinus headaches happen because of swelling in your sinuses, usually caused by an allergy or infection.

Some women get headaches when they have their menstrual period. This is most likely related to hormone production.

Finally, headaches can come from a head injury.

Because headaches cause pain of all kinds, it’s important you work with your pain management specialist to determine the right treatment.

How to Reduce Pain When Your Head Hurts - Comprehensive Pain Management Center

Your Head Hurts? Try A Pain Management Specialist

A pain management doctor will evaluate you to determine if your headaches are primary or secondary, which can be related to another medical problem, genetics or environmental issues.

Your specialist will examine your symptoms to see if they are related to your nervous system or some other cause. Together, you will develop a treatment plan to ease your headaches. Below are nine of the recommendations your specialist may recommend if your head hurts constantly.

1. Prevention

It’s always best. Working with your pain management specialist, you can make lifestyle changes that will help you prevent headaches. Lifestyle changes can include avoiding headache triggers like caffeine and alcohol.

Eating healthy, stress management and sleep hygiene are additional things you can improve to prevent headaches.

2. Medication

Because headaches are painful and can be debilitating, interfering with your ability to function, medication may be a good option.

Your pain management specialist will determine the right medicine for your needs. Medicines can range from triptans that reduce inflammation and restrict blood vessels to ease the headache.

Other medicines can include opiates, NSAIDs, antidepressants, oxygen and even Botox injections.

3. Acupressure

Stemming from traditional Chinese medicine, acupressure has become a popular treatment for headaches in the United States. Your body has acupoints or pressure points that when pressed, can relieve tension and increase blood flow, alleviating your headache.

4. Hydration

Many problems, from dry skin to headaches, are the result of dehydration. There is much research proving the importance of drinking water for health, including preventing dehydration and headaches related to it.

Drinking water throughout your day is easy. Work with your doctor to determine the exact amount you need for your body to stay hydrated.

5. Massage

Even if you can’t get an appointment right away with your local massage therapist, there are massage techniques you can do on your own to help ease a headache. If your head hurts, you can gently massage the area of the pain, or nearby pressure points.

You can also buy a handheld massage tool to keep on hand.

6. Essential Oils

The oils extracted from plants have strong aromatic effects. Scents like peppermint and lavender have been known to ease headaches.

Essential oils can be applied directly to the skin for topical use. You can also inhale the scent from the oils or put the oil in a diffuser that can release the oils throughout your home or office.

7. Vitamin and Mineral Maintenance

Your body needs vitamins and minerals to thrive. Today’s modern diet, where you live, and how much time you spend outdoors can affect your vitamin levels.

Have your doctor test your blood to see if you need vitamins. A lack in Vitamin B and D are often associated with headaches.

Also, magnesium helps many bodily functions operate. It is also known for helping alleviate headaches quickly.

8. Yoga and Meditation

Headaches are many times related to your stress levels. Admit it, your life is busy and can seem overwhelming at times. This type of stress can lead to dull, constant head pain, and to severe migraines.

Yoga and Meditation have been studied for years and there is great evidence showing both can help you relax and ease headaches.

9. Drink Caffeine

Yes, earlier you were advised to avoid caffeine. That was in reference to unnatural or added in caffeine like you find in sodas.

There are some plants that provide natural caffeine and when consumed, ease headaches. You can find natural caffeine in herbal teas like green and black teas.

Final Thoughts

If your head hurts a lot, seek the advice of a pain management specialist. With many options to ease headaches, your doctor can find the right solution so you can go back to enjoying life without the worry of a potential headache interfering.

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